The Let's Short URL Bot is a simple Telegram bot to short your URLs.
When you start the bot you can choose between different providers like Tinyurl or cuttly, but you can also configure your own YOURLS URL shortener. When you're finished with the settings you can just send your long links and get back the shortened version.
Befehl | Beschreibung |
/start | Mit diesem Befehl wird der Bot beim ersten Mal gestartet. |
/help | Mit diesem Befehl erhält man eine Übersicht über alle Befehle. |
/language | Mit diesem Befehl kann man die Sprache des Bots ändern. |
/change | So können Sie den standardmäßigen URL-Shortener einstellen. |
/reset | Setzt die YOURLS-Einstellungen zurück. |
/mylinks | Mit diesem Befehl erhalten Sie eine Übersicht über alle Ihre gekürzten Links. |
/stats | So erhalten Sie Statistiken von einem gekürzten Link. |
/privacy | So gelangen Sie zum Datenschutz-Menü. |
/about | Mit diesem Befehl erhalten Sie einige Infos über den Entwickler. |
When you use the bot you accept the privacy policy.
Your data is securely stored in a Google Firebase Realtime Database.
You can find the privacy policy of Firebase here.
The following data is saved:
user id, username, first and last name, shortened URLs, language settings, provider settings
According to the GDPR, you have the right to information, correction and deletion of your data.
This can be done directly in Telegram. You get to the privacy menu by sending /privacy to the bot. Ther you can inquiry about all data of yours saved by us and can delete all your personal data from our database..
If you erase all your data it can't be recovered but you can get used to the bot again by sending /start.
If you want to use the bot with your own YOURLS shortener I have some tips for you.
Requirements for your own URL shortener with YOURLS are your own web server, a MySQL or MariaDB database and a (as short as possible) domain.
If for some reason you need to reset your signature (ie to generate a new one while making previous signature inoperative), simply modify the YOURLS_COOKIEKEY constant in your config.php. Hint: you can simply copy the result from to generate a random unique cookie.